Mayor Siao has announced the establishment of five strategic Konsulta Centers across the entire city – at City Hall, Dalipuga, Luinab, Ma. Cristina, and Tibanga, which offer numerous benefits.

Here are some of the benefits individuals can avail themselves of:

• Consultation and health risk assessment tailored to individual needs, including referrals to hospitals if necessary.

• Select laboratory and diagnostic tests such as CBC with Platelet Count, Fasting Blood Sugar, Urinalysis, and others.

• Access to essential medications for common ailments such as cough, colds, pneumonia, hypertension, and diabetes.

Mayor Siao is committed to prioritizing the health goals for the advancement of our city. Your well-being is important to him, and they are dedicated to providing accessible services for the healthcare needs of all Iliganons.

To avail of these benefits, individuals simply need to present their:
(1) PhilHealth ID or MDR,
(2) Certificate of Residency or Barangay ID, and
(3) Certificate of Indigency.

Stay healthy, Iligan! Let us work together towards a brighter, stronger future for our city.

Konsulta Center

Konsulta Center

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